Since our inception in 2009, Amarrass has released 14 critically acclaimed albums including the late Padma Shri Sakar Khan's last recordings ("Top of the world" - Songlines), three releases by the sindhi sarangi maestro Lakha Khan, and two volumes of Field recordings from the Indian desert ("5 Stars" - Songlines). We introduced Barmer Boys "next generation of Rajasthani folk" through At Home and released Kesariya Balm on LP, solo concert recordings of the 71st generation kora virtuoso Madou Sidiki Diabatè, a compilation from the 2011 Amarrass Desert Music Festival featuring Vieux Farka Tourè, Madou Sidiki Diabatè, Lakha Khan, Barmer Boys, a CD and LP of the Milwaukee based Painted Caves, and the shamanic sounds of The blue Infinity.
Dubfounded release #15 by Ravana and Jumme Khan, came out on 19 April 2019.
Also in stock are a variety of morchangs (jewsharp, khomuz, chhang) made by master blacksmith and woodworker Mohan Lal Lohar. Other instruments such as the folk sarangi, khartaal, and bhapang can also be special ordered.
The fine print: We are prompt in getting the music out to you, and in the case of some digital download orders, may at time take up to 24 hours for us to get the download link email to you. We appreciate your patience! CDs/LPs/instruments are shipped within 48 hours of receiving your order. We may require additional shipping information from you, including phone and email contact information. All charges for customs and duties are the responsibility of the customer.